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Archive | Aboriginal Male Health

Colin Cowell : NACCHO Social media

How a national Aboriginal health authority used social media to bridge the divide and Close the Gap. “In the lead up to 2013 Federal campaign NACCHO developed a comprehensive social media/Twitter based political campaign built around the simple key message that “Investing in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health makes economic sense”. It was a social media campaign […]

The Portrayal of Aboriginal Health in Selected Australian Media

  One of the factors impacting on the relationship of Indigenous Australians with mainstream society is the way in which the media portray Indigenous people and issues. There is growing research that suggests negative media portrayals in relation to Indigenous Australians perpetuates racist stereotypes among the wider population and that this type of racism has […]

White Ribbon Day 25 November : Australia’s dark secret -one woman killed every week

White Ribbon Day 25 November : Australia’s dark secret -one woman killed every week As a White ribbon Ambassador I am very proud of the work I have done though out Australia   History: 2008 Inteyerrkwe Statement Apology to women Nearly 400 Aboriginal men took part in the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Male Health gathering […]