Blekbala Fathawan Health Summit 2009 Sunrise, Katherine East 23 August 2009 Photo/text from Colin Cowell Project Manager (3 Months) Sunrise Health Service Aboriginal Corporation has recently held an Aboriginal Male Health Summit at Banatjarl near Katherine NT. Over 100 Aboriginal men from the region spent three days and nights to talk about issues affecting on […]
Archive by Author
Remote Communities Aboriginal Male Health Summit: Time for Action
This summit is for male Aboriginal leaders only to come together to discuss solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of males living in remote communities. Male Health Summit Details Date: 16-18 July 2013 Venue: Ross River Resort Campground (100 km east of Alice Springs) Arrival: Delegates should arrive onsite the afternoon of the 15 July to […]
Health-promoting Twitter storm by Colin Cowell takes on Fast Food Industry
NACCHO creates a health-promoting Twitter storm: “Isn’t it about time we took health advice from the fast food industry?” by Melissa Sweet Indigenous health If you follow NACCHO on Twitter (@NACCHOAustralia), you may recently have seen some digital mischief – otherwise known as a health promotion campaign – that went viral: “Isn’t it about time […]
Aboriginal health and racism : What are the impacts of racism on Aboriginal health ?
NACCHO Aboriginal health and racism : What are the impacts of racism on Aboriginal health ? “On an individual level, exposure to racism is associated with psychological distress, depression, poor quality of life, and substance misuse, all of which contribute significantly to the overall ill-health experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Prolonged experience of […]
White Ribbon Day 25 November : Australia’s dark secret -one woman killed every week
White Ribbon Day 25 November : Australia’s dark secret -one woman killed every week As a White ribbon Ambassador I am very proud of the work I have done though out Australia History: 2008 Inteyerrkwe Statement Apology to women Nearly 400 Aboriginal men took part in the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Male Health gathering […]
It’s murder working on the Orient Express : Europe 2000
Christopher Columbus left Genoa Italy in 1492 to discover America. I arrived in Genoa in August 2000 to discover all trains, boats and planes are booked out in advance because everybody in Northern Europe heads to the Mediterranean for the summer holidays. I had just finished touring Italy and Sardinia with the Red Centre Dreaming […]